Cord keeper for phone chargers/headphones
Cord keeper for phone chargers/headphones
This hand hem technique creates an invisible stitch on the right and wrong sides of the fabric. This is similar to the blind hem stitch.
Catch stitch is a hand hem technique that is used for curved seams and can also be used for stretch fabric. It is created by an over lapping "x" technique.
To sew this seam finish you first sew a seam with a 5/8 seam allowance with backstitching at the beginning and end. Then set your machine on a zigzag stitch and sew both seam allowances with the zigzag seam.
Flist you sew a plain seam line 5/8 seam allowance with back stitching. Then you iron the seam open, fold both seam allowances out and sew two plain seams close to the edge.
Create a plain seam with 5/8 seam allowance and backstitch at beginning and end. Then serge the seam allowance.
First you sew a plain seam with 5/8 seam allowance and backstitching at the beginning and end. Then cut the seam allowance with zigzag scissors.
You will stitch along the seamline with right sides of the fabric together. Press the seam allowance open, then to one side. Trim one side then topstitch 1/4 from the seam.
First you seam along the seamline with wrong sides together. Then you press the seam allowance open, and then press them to one side. Then you will trim the edge of the seam allowance to 1/8. Fold the edge of the upper seam allowance under 1/4 and press over the trimmed seam allowance. Then edgestitch along the fold chose to the edge of the fold.
A lapped seam is formed when one fabric layer is lapped over the other and topstitched in place. To do this you place one fabric on top of the other. Then you stitch back and front to secure the fabric and make a parallel seam.